
Landings 2022-2023 Season

Year Month Pounds AVG. Price
2023 January 8,510,871 $2.61
February 11,875,965 $2.13
March 6,885,636 $2.78
April 2,516,157 $3.78
May 1,030,072 $4.87
June 79,732 $4.87
July 206,569 $5.00
August 76,862 $4.68
Total 31,578,905 $2.69
Year Month Pounds AVG. Price
2023 January 8,510,871 $2.61
February 11,875,965 $2.13
March 6,885,636 $2.78
April 2,516,157 $3.78
May 1,030,072 $4.87
June 79,732 $4.87
July 206,569 $5.00
August 76,862 $4.68
Total 31,578,905 $2.69

Cape Falcon to Cape Foul Weather to open December 31st ›

The commercial Dungeness crab fishery will remain closed in the Pacific Ocean and Columbia River from Cape Falcon northward to the Oregon/Washington border. The continued delay in this area will allow completion of additional testing for meat recovery in the Astoria, OR and Long Beach, WA areas that did not meet criteria. If both areas meet 23% meat recovery in a fourth round of testing these areas will open January 15th. If one or both areas do not meet 23% meat recovery, both areas will open in coordination on February 1st.

Cape Foul Weather to California border to open December 16th ›

Cape Foulweather (44° 46’ 24” N. Lat.) southward to Oregon/California border (42° 00’ 00” N. Lat.)
73 hr presoak begins (setting gear): December 13, 8:00 a.m.
Hold Inspections: December 15, see schedule on back
Start date (pulling gear): December 16, 9:00 a.m.
The commercial Dungeness crab fishery will remain closed in the Pacific Ocean and Columbia River from Cape Foulweather northward to the Oregon/Washington border. The continued delay in this area will allow completion of additional testing for meat recovery in areas that did not meet criteria.

Important closed zone transit registration info ›

NEW closed area transit allowance by temporary rule (OAR 635-005-0465) – Vessels may possess and land Dungeness crab in an area that is otherwise closed to take of Dungeness crab for commercial purposes under all the conditions spelled out in this document, including that the vessel must possess and use an activated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) that is type-approved by the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Law Enforcement.

Derelict Gear Registration Forms 5/2023 ›

Derelict pots returned to owners as part of effort to clear gear.

New Round of CARES Act Funding for Oregon Fishing Industry ›

The second round of the CARES Act funds for the Oregon fishing industry (due to the impacts from the COVID pandemic) is currently open for applications and will continue until October 31 deadline. More details including contact information for any questions can be found on the PSMFC website

For questions regarding Oregon’s Round 1 or Round 2 CARES Act spend plans, please contact the ODFW at

For questions regarding Oregon’s “Round 2” application, please contact PSMFC at or dial toll-free (877) 695-3457

New ODCC Face Mask for Commercial Crab permit holders ›

If you have a commercial Oregon Dungeness crab permit you will receive a FREE Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission double-layer, protective Dungeness crab face mask! (click on link to see one modeled)

All we ask is that you call our office at 541-267-5810, or email, and provide us with your email address for future newsletters. (We also will need a mailing address for where to send the face mask). That is all.

We will soon be phasing our industry newsletter to an email only delivery, so now is the perfect time to take advantage of getting us your up-to-date email while also getting a free mask that happens to also promote our brand!

Updated PPP fact sheet ›

This document was updated on June 18, 2020. Guidance regarding financial relief for the impacts of COVID-19 is rapidly changing. Please check appropriate state and federal websites
frequently for the most updated information.

ODFW is hosting virtual public meetings Oct. 8 and Oct. 22 to get the industry to help design next steps in reducing risk of whale and sea turtle entanglements in crab fishing gear. ›

At these meetings, ODFW will describe the newly adopted regulations to address whale entanglement that will be in place for the upcoming commercial crab season starting Dec. 1. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted these rules at their Sept. 11 meeting in addition to rules which better align ODFW’s crab biotoxin rules with those of the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

ODCC Public Meeting May 13, 2020 ›

Meeting Minutes from public meeting at Coos Bay office and via Zoom.

ODCC Public Meeting Nov. 4, 2019 ›

Meeting minutes from public meeting held in Brookings.

ODCC marketing report from 3/4/19 meeting ›

If you were unable to attend the ODCC meeting held in Newport, OR on March 3, 2019, but are interested in some of the commission’s marketing efforts over the past several months please check out the link to the PowerPoint slides from the report.

John Sackton Market Report for 2018 ›

On Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, John Sackton delivered his presentation on the outlook of the Dungeness crab fishery for 2018.

2017 John Sackton Report (video) ›

This is the Market Report that was video taped and put on YouTube

Summer Rule goes into effect ›

The summer season for Dungeness crab starts on Monday, June 12, 2023. A weekly landing limit of 1200 lbs. will be in effect through the season closure on August 14.

ODFW May 2023 Fleet Advisory ›

ODFW is anticipating above average crabbing effort in Oregon waters for the month of May, based on the high volume of late-season tag purchases. Due to this and recent observations of whales, we are issuing a marine life entanglement Fleet Advisory for the commercial Dungeness crab fishery in all waters off Oregon through May 31st (also attached). Crab fishing participants should remain vigilant and move or avoid setting gear in areas where humpback whales are transiting or foraging to further minimize risk of entanglement, effective immediately. This advisory will remain in effect through May 31, 2023.

Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Program ›

We want to encourage the fleet to consider participating in the Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Program (industry notice attached) either by directly applying for a permit to recover gear or by reporting any derelict gear you see on the water after Aug 14th. The program starts Aug 30th and will be open through Oct 11th. All information about the program, including gear registered and gear reported, can be found on the ODFW website here

ODFW releases comprehensive new Dungeness crab fishery management plan ›

NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW recently finalized the first of its kind management plan for one of Oregon’s most iconic fisheries: Dungeness crab.

The comprehensive Oregon Dungeness crab fishery management plan (FMP) covers both commercial and recreational Dungeness crab fisheries.

The FMP describes the Dungeness crab fisheries in Oregon, provides an overview of the regulatory framework and management approach, and helps continue good governance of these fishery sectors.

Specific management goals and objectives are included to support long-term sustainability of this important fishery, coastal communities, and larger ecosystems.

ODFW sought input from interested stakeholders on a draft version of the FMP during a 30-day public comment period which ended on Oct. 15, 2021. That same day, ODFW presented the draft plan to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission and heard public testimony.

ODFW updated the draft FMP to incorporate public and Commission input and provided written responses addressing comments that were not incorporated.

Late-season entanglement mitigation measures effective May 1 ›

ODFW reminds that the industry reminder notice was sent out mid-march on all of the late-season mitigation measures – the main ones including a 20% pot limit reduction, 40 fathom depth restriction and a late-season tag requirement. The notice included the form to purchase late-season tags. Please review the notice carefully if you intend to crab after May 1. “In response to industry requests, we have increased the amount of time you have to attach the late-season tags to your gear before they are required on May 1.”

Federal Fisheries Finance Loan Program NW ›

Federal commercial fishery loans are available to vessel owners, most at 15 years with current fixed interest rates of approximately 3.75%. NOAA Fisheries offer loans for both purchasing and refinancing. Loans are at 80% LTV and they have no prepayment penalties for early repayment.

2021-2022 Enforcement Reminders ›

These reminders were distributed by ODFW during hold inspections. Make sure you give them a serious look.

ODFW posts DRAFT Conservation Plan for public review and comment ›

The public is invited to comment on ODFW’s draft conservation plan (CP) addressing marine life entanglement in commercial Dungeness crab fishing gear along the Oregon coast.

Over the past six years, ODFW has been actively working with industry and many other partners to address marine life entanglements in Oregon’s crab and other fisheries. ODFW developed a proactive management strategy for the Oregon ocean commercial Dungeness crab fishery that is now documented in the draft CP. The overarching vision of the plan is for the co-existence of a vibrant commercial crab fishery and recovering ESA-listed populations of humpback whales, blue whales and leatherback sea turtles in ocean waters off Oregon.

Important fleet info at your fingertips ›

Any member of the fleet can now get information texted directly to their cell phones from the commission. Click on the link for more information.

USCG offers email for mariner notices ›

The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center has completed its Maritime Safety Information upgrade in the Pacific Northwest and now offers Broadcast Notice to Mariners via email in addition to radio broadcasts. Notices are divided in to three sectors, mariners can subscribe to any or all:
Sector North Bend – Southern and central Oregon coast and rivers
Sector Columbia River – Northern Oregon coast, southern and central Washington coast, Columbia, Snake, and Willamette Rivers
Sector Puget Sound – Northern Washington coast, Strait of Juan de Fuca, San Juan Islands and neighboring straits, Puget Sound, and Lake Washington

New Whale Entanglement Mitigation Measures for May 1 ›

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is sending this industry notice as a reminder of the whale entanglement mitigation measures that will be in place May 1, 2021.
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (OFWC) adopted regulatory changes to address whale entanglements at their September 11, 2020 virtual meeting.

All of the materials from this meeting, including the background, rationale, and rule language are located here: The first notice of these changes was mailed to all permit holders and crab buyers on September 25, 2020 and is posted on our website here

The measures include:
Reduced pot limits by 20% combined with a 40 fathom depth restriction and a required late-season buoy tag in addition to primary season tag (order form is attached to the link).

ODFW: New Crab regulations, October meetings, and pre season testing issues ›

The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted new regulations for the ocean commercial crab fishery at its meeting on September 11, 2020. The Commission listened to testimony and discussed alternatives arriving at the adopted regulatory package of 20% pot limit reduction as of May 1, inside of 40 fathoms, over a 3-season evaluation period (sunset). All other measures to reduce risk were adopted as recommended. Click on the headline to read the industry notice, which contains the details of the adopted regulations and how to implement them this coming crab season. These regulations, along with the regulations adopted in September 2019 (gear marking, electronic tickets, etc.), will be the core of the Conservation Plan we submit to NOAA (winter 2021), in order to be considered for an Incidental Take Permit. The industry notice also announces the dates of our upcoming industry public meetings – Oct 8th and 22nd, by virtual meeting. Lastly, the industry notice provides a heads up to the fleet about changes to pre-season testing procedures in response to COVID transmission concerns. Our plans are still evolving but we are working to limit interaction between ODFW staff and vessel crews, while still providing assurance that testing is valid.

Important notice from ODFW of July 1 changes and more ›

New temporary rules notice, and target dates for re-scheduling proposal of phase II whale entanglement mitigation regulatory package to the
OFWC (for proposed implementation next crab season 2020-21).

USCG Marine Safety Information Bulletin – Novel Coronavirus update 3 17 2020 ›

Illness of a person onboard any vessel that may adversely affect the safety of a vessel or port facility is a hazardous condition per 33 CFR 160.216 and must be reported immediately to the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP). Cases of persons who exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must be reported to the COTP.

The Coast Guard considers it a hazardous condition under 33 CFR 160.216 if anyone, regardless of where they have been or who they have interacted with, shows symptoms of COVID-19 or other flu like illness. This requires immediate notification to the nearest Coast Guard COTP.

Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission joins alliance to give fishermen stronger voice ›

As discussions of offshore wind development in the U.S. continue to progress, Pacific fishermen have expressed significant concern over the lack of communication and collaboration necessary to inform coexistence among ocean users. The RODA-Pacific Advisory Committee is comprised of leaders from several West Coast fisheries throughout California and Oregon. Its purpose is to improve science and policy approaches to development, while also increasing and improving communication to help strengthen ties between Pacific fishermen and fishing communities across the country.

ODFW October 2019 Crab Industry meetings – Whale Entanglement Risk Reduction Phase II ›

The focus of Phase II whale entanglement management measures is to help reduce risk of whale entanglements in crab gear by reducing the number of vertical lines in the water. To prepare for Phase II recommendations to the OFWC, the ODFW is hosting four regional Dungeness crab public industry meetings to solicit targeted input.

Whale Entanglement Workshop materials ›

Materials available from the Workshop in April

Shanks OIMB Research 2022 ›

Megalope return study of 2022, released in March of 2023.

Green Crab abundance study in Coos and South Slough estuaries ›

2022 report with the latest on 5-spine (aka green) crab abundance and size in the Coos and South Slough estuaries.

Shanks OIMB Research 2020 ›

Megalope return study of 2020, released in April of 2021.

Genetic research on 2017 2018 larval recruits in the California Current Ecosystem ›

This is the second paper from a genetics project on Dungeness crab larval recruits, and has been published in Marine Ecology Progress Series (PDF attached):

Fine-scale spatial and temporal genomic variation among Dungeness crab Cancer magister larval recruits in the California Current Ecosystem. Elizabeth M. J. Lee*, Kathleen G. O’Malley
State Fisheries Genomics Lab, Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University, Newport, Oregon 97365, USA

Shanks OIMB Research 2019 ›

Megalope return study of 2019, released in April of 2020.

Commissioned study utilizing Bio-Economic Model to study whale entanglement mitigation proposals ›

This memorandum is to briefly describe results from using the Oregon Dungeness crab bio-economic model to assess economic impacts from proposed measures to reduce risk of fisheries gear whale entanglements.

Bio-Economic Model report ›

Report generated from the ODCC’s funded research to produce a Bio-Economic model for the Oregon Dungeness crab fishery.

Bio-Economic RFP ›

Original RFP for research study

Bycatch Mortality Study ›

By Noelle Yochum, 2014

Shanks OIMB Research 2018 ›

Megalope return study

Shanks OIMB Research 2017 ›

Megalope return study

Genetic connectivity of Dungeness crab ›

Thesis defense on Dungeness study

Mating Success of Female Dungeness Crabs ›

Dr. Alan Shanks study for the commission

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 4, Issue 1 ›

Newsletter for the Oregon Dungeness crab fleet – dated July 28, 2021 (printable PDF version)

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 3, Issue 1 ›

Newsletter for the Oregon Dungeness crab fleet – dated July 17, 2020 (printable PDF version)

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 2, Issue 3 ›

Newsletter for the Oregon Dungeness crab fleet – dated October 16, 2019 (printable PDF version)

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 2, Issue 2 ›

Newsletter for the Oregon Dungeness crab fleet – dated August 2, 2019 (printable PDF version)

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 2, Issue 1 ›

Newsletter for the Oregon Dungeness crab fleet – dated February 25, 2019.

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 1, Issue 4 ›

Newsletter for our crab fishermen, Issue four – dated November 26, 2018.

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 1, Issue 3 ›

Newsletter for our crab fishermen, Issue three – dated August 24, 2018.

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 1, Issue 2 ›

Newsletter for our crab fishermen. Dated April 3, 2018

The Dungeness Dispatch, Volume 1, Issue 1 ›

Newsletter for our crab fishermen. Issue one – dated December 5, 2017.

14th Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – January 2023 ›

The 2021-22 commercial Oregon Dungeness crab fishery landed a total of 17.2 million pounds of Dungeness crab into Oregon ports coastwide, above the 10-year average of 16.4 million pounds. These landings equated to $91.5 million ex-vessel value, the highest grossing season on record by more than 17 million dollars.

13th Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – December 2021 ›

The 2020-21 commercial Oregon Dungeness crab fishery landed a total of 12.2 million pounds of Dungeness crab into Oregon ports coastwide, approximately 29% below the 10-year average of 17.3 million pounds. These landings equated to $60.6 million ex-vessel value, the fifth highest grossing season on record.

12th Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – December 2020 ›

The 2019-20 Oregon Dungeness crab season brought in $72.7 million dollars ex-vessel value, the second highest grossing season on record! Despite a challenging year for the seafood industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, crab landings totaled just under 20.0 million pounds, approximately 12% above the 10-year average of 17.6 million pounds.

11th Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – November 2019 ›

The 2018-19 Oregon Dungeness crab season “brought in $66.7 million dollars ex-vessel value, the second highest grossing season on record! Landings totaled 18.7 million pounds, approximately 9% above the 10-year average of 17.0 million pounds.”

10th Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – November 2018 ›

The season “brought in a record breaking 74.2 million dollar ex-vessel value! Landings totaled 23.1 million pounds, about 31% above the 10-year average of 16 million pounds…”

9TH Annual ODFW Dungeness Crab Fishery Newsletter – November 2017 ›

“The 2016-17 Oregon Dungeness crab season brought in the highest ex-vessel value ever, totaling $62.7 million dollars! Landings totaled 20.4 million pounds, about 22% above the 10 year average of 16.0 million pounds…”

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